Double Down This December

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December is known for its festivities: chilly weather, bright lights, and spiked eggnog. Recruiters, however, see it differently. December serves as the last month of the year to fill in those remaining positions. While they attempt to meet the quota, plenty of candidates are too busy wrapping presents and decorating trees to respond. This provides you with a golden opportunity: every recruiter’s dream candidate.

How can you seize this rare opportunity?

Be available. Unavailable candidates represent half the battle. Although it’s not ideal to be networking during the holiday season, you’re already ahead of the competition by responding to recruiters’ messages and phone calls.

Improve your resume. Along with double and triple checking spelling, formatting, and grammar, spend some time thinking about the past year’s achievements. New Year’s Eve is the time of reflecting on growth and accomplishments, so be sure to feature it in your resume.

Don’t slow down. Companies need just as many healthcare professionals in December as they do compared to the rest of the year. This means recruiters must keep up. If you slow down, you miss opportunities.

Make your recruiter’s job easy. When searching for your dream job in healthcare, there is no room for errors. Always remember to:

  • Respond to them within 24 hours.
  • Update your profile on hiring websites.
  • Include your resume.
  • Provide appropriate contact information.
  • Once again, be sure all information is accurate!

Everyone envisions December as the month for cozying up by the fire and exchanging gifts. Challenge yourself as viewing it as a productive and potentially advantageous time of year. A qualified candidate like yourself will not want to miss out on any chances, and now you know just how many opportunities December has to offer.
